Don Stoner was introduced to the controversy surrounding Genesis in the second grade when he came home from school and asked his father why he was taught in Sunday school that the earth was created in six days and in elementary school that it was created over a much greater period of time. Fortunately, answers were available; his grandfather, Peter W. Stoner, was the author of Science Speaks, a best seller on the subject of scientific proof of the inerrancy of prophecy and the Bible. The subject has fascinated Don since and over the years he has himself become an authority on the subject of creation.
Don went on to receive his BS in Physics and has been awarded two U.S. patents. Two of the more notable projects he has been involved with professionally include the development of the optical disc and the Precision Motion Chiptester. Don has a wife Debbie, four daughters and two sons.
Don relates well to children as "Professor Louie Lightening Bolt" and to adults as Physicist & Author.