Schroeder's Piano


The prices for tuning are listed in SCHROEDER'S STORE.

If your piano has not been tuned for several years it may need to have the pitch raised back up to A440 which is the international standard.  If so, the tuner will need to tune the piano more than once until it is stable.  The tuner will charge you an extra twenty five percent for the extra tunings.  Your piano will also go out of tune again more quickly and it will be necessary to have the piano tuned again between one and three months from the time of the pitch raise.

Sometimes strings break while tuning for no fault of the piano tuner.  If this happens the tuner will replace the broken string and charge you according to the price of string replacement in the SCHROEDER'S STORE.

In the event that the piano is not tunable the tuner will discount the tuning charges by twenty percent and give you an estimate of the cost to put your piano into good shape.  The service call / estimate charge will be credited to you for future in-shop repairs.

If you miss your appointment the tuner will discount the bill to the price of a service call.  You will need to arrange to pay that amount before we come out again.

For distances over twenty miles please add one percent of the cost of tuning to the invoice.

If you have questions don't hesitate to call and discuss it with us.

We appreciate your business.


Fax: 562-630-4471


13119 Downey Ave.
Paramount, CA 90723